From ICAN Australia: "Since 2011, ICAN Australia has been working hard to keep the pressure on the Australian Government's Future Fund to divest from its investments worth more than $135 million in 15 foreign-owned companies that manufacture nuclear weapons and missiles, submarines and bombers to deliver them. "As we saw last week, in a rare show of bi-partisan support, the Australian parliament passed a 'motion of nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation'. "So, the Australian government says it is committed to achieving a world free of nuclear weapons. "However, by investing in nuclear weapons companies, it is undermining that objective and contributing to the build up of nuclear forces." To emphasise the message, campaigners held a brief protest outside the Melbourne office of the Future Fund at 120 Collins Street on Tuesday 3 April, the day the new chairman David Gonski was due to start work... See report on the ICANW website